HDE-Office Brüssel - About us German Retail Federation (HDE) in Brussels
Committed to the interests of the German retail sector, the HDE-office Brussels is active on the spot. Three quarters of (national) legislation relevant to the economy originates from EU-level.
The German Retail Federation closely follows important developments in EU-legislation relevant to commerce. In doing so, the German Retail Federation closely cooperates with the European umbrella organisation for commerce, EuroCommerce, and with its own members. Issues such as legal affairs, consumer protection, food safety and environment are especially characterised by European politics. Also with regard to payment systems, information and communication systems, employment and social affairs, SMEs and taxation there is a growing need for coordination with our European partner organisations.
In addition to the need for an understanding of the political environment and its actors, a good information network is a precondition for the active pursuit of business interests at European level. One of the tasks of the Brussels HDE office is to gather and disseminate information on EU-developments to its members and to the German Retail Federation itself. In doing so, the monthly newsletter Info-Europa is a very important tool.
The German retail sector strives to formulate its position vis-à-vis European developments at an early stage. The Brussels office puts forward its positions to the European umbrella organisation and/or directly into the legislative process.
HDE-Büro Brüssel
85 Avenue des Nerviens
B-1040 Brüssel
Tel.: +32 (0) 2 737 11 64
Fax: +32 (0) 2 230 84 97
E-Mail: hde.europa@hde.de
Handelsverband Deutschland e.V. (HDE)
Am Weidendamm 1 A
10117 Berlin
Telefon: 0 30 / 72 62 50 – 0
Telefax: 0 30 / 72 62 50 – 99
E-Mail: hde@einzelhandel.de
>> Directions